Thursday, October 23, 2008
Team 1421 arrives home safely!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Team 1422 arrives home!
Thursday, October 02, 2008
CTI announces departure of President David Lanning
Further information is available at
1422 reports safe arrival in the Philippines
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Team 1422 departs!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Team 14:21 Reports Safe Arrival
They are looking forward to a month of ministry with YWAM. Be sure to check out their blog for updates throughout their month overseas.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Team 1421 departs!
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Overseas locations for fall 2008 ministry
Both teams will leave at the end of September - 1421 to Taiwan to work with YWAM there, and 1422 to the Philippines to work with several missions agencies and churches under a coordinated effort by a radio ministry operating out of Cagayan de Oro. They'll return to the US in late October to resume their stateside touring.
The teams will have more details to share about their upcoming work, so be sure to check their blogs!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Celebrating another great summer!
Our round 2 teams have returned to the US, finished their debriefing with us and headed back to their respective homes. We want to thank all our 2008 summer team members for being a part of this experience and welcome them into the community of CTI alumni!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Fulltime 0809 kicks off
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Singapore team reports arrival
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Singapore departs
Guatemala takes off; Bolivia lands
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Bolivia team checkin
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
All round 1 teams home
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Taiwan team home safely
All round 1 teams back in the US
Taiwan team on the ground
Round one teams return
Saturday, July 12, 2008
The tornado passed about one or two miles south of the ministry building. If you're familiar with the area, it crossed Hwy 71 just south of the AG church and did some significant damage to some homes and businesses there. No lives were lost, and there were two injuries.
Training for our round 2 summer teams (at First Baptist Church) was underway at the time, and continues as normal today.
We thank everyone for their concern!
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Round 2 begins
Note: We ask the team leaders to update us once a week when possible. Though some teams are able to update more frequently, many teams are not able to access the internet as often, and updates may be more irregular. We appreciate your understanding about this.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
All teams on the ground, and safe & sound!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Taiwan team checks in
Honduras team checks in
Trinidad Team checks in
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
All 2008 summer ministry locations finalized
The nation of Trinidad is officially known as "Trinidad and Tobego." These are two separate islands that comprise one nation (lest anyone hear "Trinidad and Tobego" and think they are two separate countries.) The country lies at the extreme southern end of the Caribbean island chain - the main island of Trinidad is about 20 miles off the coast of Venezuela.
One of YFC's primary means of ministry in Trinidad is through "day camps." Our team will be involved in publicizing these camps through nighttime concerts for kids (ages 5-18) designed to increase awareness of and interest in attending the camps.. There are also plans for ministry in schools as well as street and "community center" ministry. It will be an exciting adventure for our team to explore ways to help YFC share the Gospel there!
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
CTI announces summer '08 locations
Confirmed so far are round 1 teams to Taiwan (working with YWAM) and round 2 teams to Bolivia, Guatemala and Singapore (all working with YFC.)
We're still working with other partners to confirm two additional round 1 teams. Look for those locations to be posted here when they're confirmed!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Ironman athletes raising critical funds for CTI
The Cruze brothers are fundraising as a part of the Janus Charity Challenge, an innovative program designed and sponsored by the investment management firm, Janus. The program acts as a catalyst to motivate Ironman athletes to use the race to raise money for charity. But unlike most other race fundraisers, there is no pre-determined beneficiary. Each athlete can select the nonprofit organization they wish to support. Since the program’s inception in 2001, triathletes have raised over $18 million for hundreds of charities throughout the
“Janus is proud to continue to offer this exceptional program because it engages more people in meeting the critical needs of their communities. The incredible commitment of athletes like Derrick and
CTI Music Ministries provides established youth ministries with the engaging resource of a relevant music team for evangelism to the non-believer, discipleship for the growing Christian, and encouragement to the Body of Christ. CTI’s team environment provides Christian musicians in transition to young adulthood a living training ground to develop their gifts in the global missions workforce while providing life-skills training and promoting spiritual formation in their own lives. Derrick & Jacob attend the home church of several of CTI’s permanent staff. After a presentation last year, the Cruze brothers felt called to support the work of CTI in a direct way. Not being musicians, they are lending their athletic ability to help fulfill the mission of CTI through supporting its operations.
Ironman Coeur d’Alene will be held in the mountain forestry of
Thursday, January 31, 2008
CTI releases new studio album!
Featuring members of our 2007 - 2008 fulltime ministry teams, Speak Without Sound is a concept album that we hope will take each listener on a journey, encouraging them as they seek the God that we serve and the life that He calls us to live.
We know it's kind of an odd title for an album (especially for one produced by a ministry that seeks to use music as a primary way to communicate our message!) But we also recognize that music simply provides us with an entryway into worlds that we would not have an opportunity to interact with otherwise. But it only opens the door. On the other side, our very lives must speak without sound if our message is to be understood and believed, for we know our words will be void if the fruit of Christ-likeness is not evident in us.
What opens the door for you?
The song from which the title is drawn goes on to proclaim "Your love is so loud!" How amazing and true it is that something as intangible as love is demonstrated most clearly in ways that speak louder than any message we can communicate audibly!
At CTI, we recognize that our greatest ministry takes place beyond the music, in the moments when we speak not through microphones, but through who we, as individuals, are striving to be. And that's a ministry opportunity that is available to everyone.
Saint Francis of Assisi admonished those under his charge to "preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words." We hope you'll join us in discovering the ways that we are all called to speak without sound.
You can preview or order the CD online by visiting