Wednesday, November 22, 2006

New CTI videos

Check out two new videos posted in the video section of our website! The first is a video review of our ministry in '05-'06, and the second features YFC national directors speaking on the value of hosting a CTI team.

We've also just begun hosting our videos with YouTube, so hoepfully that will make for a better online viewing experience. Enjoy!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Teams report safe arrivals overseas

We've heard from both teams this morning via e-mail, and all is well!
Please pray for 1422 in Taiwan as they adjust to a 13-hour time difference (!) and for 1421 in Bolivia, which, though only two hours ahead of Minnesota, required about 24 total hours of travel to reach. Also, the capitol city of La Paz is at 12,000 feet in elevation, so pray that the team is able to rest and overcome the altitude sickness and weariness that accompanies it.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Teams depart for international ministry

Both of our fulltime teams departed Minneapolis this morning for a month of international ministry in Asia and South America.

14:22 will be spending four weeks helping Youth With a Mission (YWAM) spread the Gospel through school appearances, street shows and relational "coffee-house" ministry in Danshui (Taipei), Taiwan.

14:21 will spend the month partnering with the Youth for Christ International (YFCI) charter in Bolivia as they seek to expand their evangelism and discipleship efforts in the capitol city of La Paz, and and increase YFC exposure in the cities of Cochabamba and Oruro.

As always, we value your prayers for CTI and our ministry partners worldwide as we mobilize these 14 "musicianaries" into this next component of their year on the field with us.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Fall Newsletter and President's Update online

Our fall newsletter has just been mailed out. You can read it online in the news section of our website. If you'd like to receive our newsletters when we print them, you can subscribe to them here.

Every two months, David Lanning (our president) personally composes and sends out an e-mail update as well to people who have specifically requested to receive it. David's current e-mail update can also be read online. If you would like to be added to our e-mail update list, fill out our quick onlinesubscription form.

Friday, October 13, 2006

CTI announces Fall 06 international ministry locations

We have just this week formalized plans to send our two fulltime teams to minister internationally this fall.

14:21 will be working with Youth for Christ (YFC) in Bolivia through school presentations, open air plaza evangelism, helping some local Bolivian worship bands develop their abilities as "lead worshipers" and possibly opening for a few other bands in concert settings. The team will be working in the capitol city of La Paz as well as the outlying cities of Oruro and Cochabamba- places where YFC either has a presence and wishes to increase their exposure, or desires to break new ground.

14:22 will be continuing our recently developed partnership with Youth With a Mission (YWAM) in Taipei, Taiwan- a strategic partnership involving both a commitment to the lost and a passion to see young people released into ministry. This will be the third CTI team to join the YWAM mission in the region.

Both teams will depart from Minnesota on November 16 and will return on December 13th. Please pray for our teams and our partners as they prepare for these month-long outreaches!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Support CTI by registering for Urbana!

If you're thinking about going to Urbana, but you haven't registered yet, you can do that through our website and support CTI at the same time! For every registration processed through our site, InterVarsity will send us $20! How cool is that? Just click the Urbana logo on when you're ready to register.

See you there!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Join us at Urbana!

Planning on going to InterVarsity's Urbana Missions Conference? We'll be there! Stop by and say "hi" to some of the staff and team members at our booth (they won't bite, we promise!) We'd love to meet you!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Off and running...

...and coming to a town near you! Our two fulltime teams departed today for their 7-week fall domestic tours. Their travels between now and mid-November will take them as far west as Seattle, and as far east as New York. They'll be visiting many states in between, and 1421's fall tour will include a week in Ontario as well.

Tour schedules for each team can be found on their CTI update page- just click here and then select the team whose schedule you want to view. You can also view promo pictures and team member bios from their CTI update pages.

New this year:
Each fulltime team also has a blog that you are invited to participate in! Read their updates and add comments of your own! Blogs are accessed through each team's update page

Monday, September 11, 2006

New headlines posting service

You can now add CTI headlines to your news reader! We've just rolled out a new method for delivering news which includes a syndicated feed. Click the headline to learn more.

Now when you click a headline in the news window on, you'll be taken to our offsite news page on blogger. Using this method lets us post more news more quickly, and get it all out to more people more efficiently!

If you use an RSS aggregator or news reader, you can add this feed and see updated CTI headlines without ever having to visit the site directly. We hope you'll take advantage of this new service!